Follow Your Heart

Meet The Staff


Rav Boaz Mori

Rosh Midrasha

Rav Boaz Mori is the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Lev HaTorah and founder of the Ramat Shilo community in Ramat Bet Shemesh. Rav Boaz is a special blend of profound scholarship and genuine enthusiasm. His unwavering belief in each person’s inherent greatness, paired with his remarkable talent for recognizing their unique abilities, inspires students, staff, and the entire community.

As both an institution-builder and educator, Rav Boaz seamlessly bridges lofty ideals with practical wisdom, ensuring that Torah is accessible to all.

Rav Boaz has Semicha from Yeshiva University as well as a BA in Mathematics.

Mrs. Esther Grossman


Mrs. Esther Grossman, originally from Elizabeth, NJ, came to Ramat Bet Shemesh via Boca Raton, Florida where she taught at KYHS and was a lecturer in the Adult Education Program at Boca Raton Synagogue. Since making Aliyah she has taught in various seminaries and is excited to bring her experience, vision and love for Torah and Eretz Yisrael to Midreshet Lev. Her unwavering dedication to the spiritual growth of her students promises an academic and uplifting experience at Midreshet Lev.

Mrs. Grossman holds a Teacher’s Certificate from Michlalah, BA in Judaic Studies/Psychology and an MS in Secondary Jewish Education from Yeshiva University. She is also a certified Kallah teacher under the Rabbanut of Israel and an Upper Staff member at Camp Kaylie.

Mrs. Penina Bernstein

Rosh Beit Midrash

Mrs. Bernstein teaches students how to bridge textual analysis of Tanach stories with hashkafa and middot. Her teaching transcends the classroom, extending into the heart of the Beit Midrash and various engaging programs. With boundless enthusiasm, she forges strong connections with her student through limud Torah and through developing relationships in the classroom, Beit Midrash and other programming. She previously was the Campus Rebbetzin at Stern College and was part of the faculty of SKA in the Five Towns.

Mrs. Bernstein holds a BA and an MS from Yeshiva University, an MSEd from Hunter College School of Education and is currently pursuing an EdD at Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration.

Mrs. Elisheva Levin

Director of Student Welfare

Elisheva Levin currently lives in Neve Shamir, Ramat Beit Shemesh with her husband and three children and works as an educational psychologist. Elisheva made aliyah with her family 14 years ago from Teaneck, NJ to Bet Shemesh. After high school, she studied for a year at MMY followed by a year of Sherut Leumi, where she created a new program for new Olim at Horev High School in Yerushalayim. Elisheva was a beloved rakezet at MMY and has taught in various Israeli high schools. Her wholehearted commitment to being a part of the Midreshet Lev staff promises to inspire and uplift every individual’s journey.

Elisheva received from Bar Ilan her BA in psychology and a Tanach teaching certification. In addition, she holds an MA from Ben Gurion University.

Mrs. Eliana Silverman

Head Rakezet

Eliana Silverman, grew up in Englewood, NJ and made Aliyah to Yerushalayim 11 years ago. Eliana now lives in Neve Shamir with her husband and 4 daughters. She is filled with enthusiasm as she brings her incredible energy and abundant expertise to Midreshet Lev. Her approachability and warmth are an inspiration for all she connects with. For the past 5 years, Eliana has been a popular Rakezet at MMY, with both Shana Alef and Shana Bet girls.

Eliana earned a degree in Bar Ilan university, majoring in psychology.

Mrs. Ariella Ginsburg

Director of Programming

Ariella Ginsberg, currently residing in Bet Shemesh with her husband and three children, brings a wealth of experience in educational and directorial roles. Previously, she spent two years as a madricha and another two years as the Director of Programming at Shaalvim for Women. Ariella is poised to infuse a sense of excitement into the programming at Midreshet Lev.

Ariella holds a BA in Psychology from Touro University, an MSW from YU Wurzweiler School of Social Work, and obtained a certification in Administration from Bar Ilan University.

Rav Boaz Mori

Rosh Midrasha

Rav Boaz Mori is the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Lev HaTorah and founder of the Ramat Shilo community in Ramat Bet Shemesh. Rav Boaz is a special blend of profound scholarship and genuine enthusiasm. His unwavering belief in each person’s inherent greatness, paired with his remarkable talent for recognizing their unique abilities, inspires students, staff, and the entire community.

As both an institution-builder and educator, Rav Boaz seamlessly bridges lofty ideals with practical wisdom, ensuring that Torah is accessible to all.

Rav Boaz has Semicha from Yeshiva University as well as a BA in Mathematics.


Mrs. Esther Grossman


Mrs. Esther Grossman, originally from Elizabeth, NJ, came to Ramat Bet Shemesh via Boca Raton, Florida where she taught at KYHS and was a lecturer in the Adult Education Program at Boca Raton Synagogue. Since making Aliyah she has taught in various seminaries and is excited to bring her experience, vision and love for Torah and Eretz Yisrael to Midreshet Lev. Her unwavering dedication to the spiritual growth of her students promises an academic and uplifting experience at Midreshet Lev.

Mrs. Grossman holds a Teacher’s Certificate from Michlalah, BA in Judaic Studies/Psychology and an MS in Secondary Jewish Education from Yeshiva University. She is also a certified Kallah teacher under the Rabbanut of Israel and an Upper Staff member at Camp Kaylie.


Mrs. Penina Bernstein

Rosh Beit Midrash

Mrs. Bernstein teaches students how to bridge textual analysis of Tanach stories with hashkafa and middot. Her teaching transcends the classroom, extending into the heart of the Beit Midrash and various engaging programs. With boundless enthusiasm, she forges strong connections with her student through limud Torah and through developing relationships in the classroom, Beit Midrash and other programming. She previously was the Campus Rebbetzin at Stern College and was part of the faculty of SKA in the Five Towns.

Mrs. Bernstein holds a BA and an MS from Yeshiva University, an MSEd from Hunter College School of Education and is currently pursuing an EdD at Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration.


Mrs. Elisheva Levin

Director of Student Welfare

Elisheva Levin currently lives in Neve Shamir, Ramat Beit Shemesh with her husband and three children and works as an educational psychologist. Elisheva made aliyah with her family 14 years ago from Teaneck, NJ to Bet Shemesh. After high school, she studied for a year at MMY followed by a year of Sherut Leumi, where she created a new program for new Olim at Horev High School in Yerushalayim. Elisheva was a beloved rakezet at MMY and has taught in various Israeli high schools. Her wholehearted commitment to being a part of the Midreshet Lev staff promises to inspire and uplift every individual’s journey.

Elisheva received from Bar Ilan her BA in psychology and a Tanach teaching certification. In addition, she holds an MA from Ben Gurion University.


Mrs. Eliana Silverman

Head Rakezet

Eliana Silverman, grew up in Englewood, NJ and made Aliyah to Yerushalayim 11 years ago. Eliana now lives in Neve Shamir with her husband and 4 daughters. She is filled with enthusiasm as she brings her incredible energy and abundant expertise to Midreshet Lev. Her approachability and warmth are an inspiration for all she connects with. For the past 5 years, Eliana has been a popular Rakezet at MMY, with both Shana Alef and Shana Bet girls.

Eliana earned a degree in Bar Ilan university, majoring in psychology.


Mrs. Ariella Ginsburg

Director of Programming

Ariella Ginsberg, currently residing in Bet Shemesh with her husband and three children, brings a wealth of experience in educational and directorial roles. Previously, she spent two years as a madricha and another two years as the Director of Programming at Shaalvim for Women. Ariella is poised to infuse a sense of excitement into the programming at Midreshet Lev.

Ariella holds a BA in Psychology from Touro University, an MSW from YU Wurzweiler School of Social Work, and obtained a certification in Administration from Bar Ilan University.



Rav Michael Cytrin

Rav Cytrin brings decades of experience to Midreshet Lev as a Rebbe and senior administrator at Lev HaTorah. In addition to Semicha, he is a licensed tour guide who delights in sharing his enthusiasm for Eretz Yisrael. Before making Aliyah, Rav Cytrin was Principal of Judaic Studies at Yavneh Academy in Dallas, Texas. Rav Cytrin has founded Or L’Doron, a non-profit organization promoting Torah leadership within the Ethiopian community in Israel.

Rav Cytrin received his Semicha from the Meretz Kollel, a BA from the Plan II Liberal Arts Program at the University of Texas (Austin), has an MA in Education from Columbia University and has served in the IDF.

Mrs. Yael Gelernter

Mrs. G, as she is more commonly known, hails originally from Kew Gardens Hills, NY. She brings her characteristic passion and simchas hachayim to the classroom while teaching her favorite subject, Tanach. Yael has taught SKA and was recruited to Toronto to serve on the administration of the high school, Ulpanat Orot where she was co-principal for 4 years. Mrs. G also has worked in various capacities at NCSY, NCSY Summer and the Maimonides Jewish Heritage Experience.

Mrs. G graduated with honors at Stern College while earning a degree in Psychology. She completed her Masters in Education from Azrieli and her Certification in Administration from Bar Ilan University.

Dr. Tamar Halpern

Tamar is originally from Teaneck, NJ and attended Ma’ayanot for High School and Migdal Oz for seminary. Most recently, Tamar taught 12th grade AP Psychology at Kosloff Torah Academy (KTA) HS for Girls outside of Philadelphia. Tamar made aliyah with her husband and 4 boys this past summer to Ramat Beit Shemesh. She loves helping her students understand how psychological principles impact their everyday lives, relationships, and society at large— and especially how psychology impacts their personal and spiritual growth and Avodat Hashem. She has significant clinical experience working with older adolescent/college age students.

Tamar earned her M.A. and Psy.D. degrees from the Institute of Graduate Clinical Psychology at Widener University in 2016 and 2018, respectively, following her B.A. in Psychology from Barnard College and successful completion of the GPATS program at Stern College, Yeshiva University.

Mrs. Bonnie Odze

Mrs. Bonnie Odze has recently moved to Ramat Beit Shemesh from London where she served as Rebbetzin at South Hampstead United Synagogue and teacher in Hasmonean High School. Mrs. Odze currently teaches in several seminaries and is a passionate teacher who is dedicated to the personal growth of her students in every dimension. For the past 20 years, Mrs Odze had taught at various high schools in London including Immanuel college and Menorah High School. For many years she led and developed the Hasmonean Midrasha into a leading Torah learning centre in the British high school system.

Mrs. Odze holds a degree in Math and Computer Science and a Post Graduate Certificate of Education.

Rav Jonathan Schachter

Rav Jonathan Schachter is known for his tremendous energy, in depth learning and his ability to forge strong, individual bonds with each of his students. Rav Schachter looks to infuse his talmidim with a love of Yahadut. Currently, Rav Schachter teaches gemara, halacha and machshava in Yeshivat Hesder Lev HaTorah. Before making Aliyah in 2022, he was a beloved Rabbi in Yeshivat Frisch for 20 years, and led the Bnai Yeshurun teen minyan in Teaneck for over 15 years. He has worked in Camp Morasha for the past 15 years and is currently the boys head counselor.

Rav Schachter received his Semicha from RIETS, a BA in Economics from Yeshiva University and an MS in Jewish Education from Azrieli Graduate School.

Mrs. Dina Schoonmaker

Dina Schoonmaker has been teaching in Michlalah Jerusalem College for over 30 years. She founded The Women’s Mussar Vaad, teaching topics of personal development in Ramat Bet Shemesh, Yerushalayim and remotely over zoom. She lectures in Israel, Europe and the United States.

Rav Michael Siev

Rav Michael Siev has served as a Ram in Yeshivat Lev HaTorah for the past eighteen years, where he teaches Gemara and Halacha. He also functions as Lev HaTorah’s posek and runs an active Halacha group chat for alumni of the yeshiva. Additionally, Rabbi Siev delivers a weekly shiur in halachic topics to the Ramat Shilo community in Ramat Beit Shemesh. He has also served as a senior editor of a wide range of Torah publications, including the Koren Steinsaltz Talmud series and the Sefaria Midrash Rabbah project.

Rav Siev received semicha from Yeshiva University, has an MS from Azrieli Graduate School and is an alumnus of the Yeshivat Har Etzion Kollel, where he studied for four years after completing his semicha.

Mrs. Esther Wachstock

Esther Wachstock is a dedicated teacher who has been in Jewish education for 17 years. Her particular passion is for teaching the books of Tanach that don’t get enough attention, specifically Ketuvim and Neviim Achronim, as well as showing how all of Tanach comes together. She currently teaches at both MMY and Tiferet. She is a founding member of the Ganei HaEleh community of Ramat Beit Shemesh with her husband and four children, having made aliyah 6 years ago from Teaneck, NJ. Before that she taught in Frisch, Yeshivat Heatid, SKA and Bruriah.

Esther studied at Michlalah Jerusalem College for Women, has a BA in History from Baruch College and an MA from The Azrieli School of Jewish Education.

Mrs. Devori Weichholz

Devori, for the past two decades, has taught and inspired students of all ages, through her warmth, sincerity and dedication to each student. Devori’s genuine care and understanding create a supportive and encouraging atmosphere where students thrive academically and personally.

Devori studied in Michlalah where she received a teachers certificate and has a B.A. in Judaic Studies/Psychology from Yeshiva University as well as an MS in Jewish Education from Azrieli Graduate School.

Mrs. Alyssa Kirsch

Alyssa fulfilled a lifelong dream when she and her family made Aliyah from Teaneck, NJ to Neve Shamir in the summer of 2022. After high school, Alyssa studied for a year in MMY, then graduated from Stern College Honors with a BA in Jewish Education and Elementary Education, where she was also a member of the Legacy Heritage Teachers Program. Alyssa earned her Masters from the Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration while teaching in Westchester Day School. She was then fortunate to participate in YU’s Gruss Kollel in Yerushalayim and pursue her love of learning Tanach at Matan’s Bellows Eshkolot Program, where she experienced Torat Eretz Yisrael come to life. While in Gruss, she also taught in Shaalvim for Women. Most recently, she was part of the Tanach faculty at Yeshivat Frisch. Since making Aliyah, Alyssa has been involved in building up Neve Shamir’s women’s Torah learning community, while also teaching in Tiferet. Aside from learning Torah, she’s always up for playing basketball or having a baseball catch! Alyssa looks forward to sharing her passion for Torah at Midreshet Lev!

Mrs. Shira Schechter

Shira Schechter has a BA in Judaic Studies from Stern College, Master’s degrees in both Jewish Education and Bible from Yeshiva University, and is a graduate of Yeshiva University’s Graduate Program for Women in Advanced Talmudic Studies (GPATS). She taught Tanach in high school for eight years before making aliyah with her husband and children in 2013. Since making aliyah, Shira has been writing and editing Torah articles in her role as a content editor, as well as giving and organizing community shiurim. Shira lives in the Neve Shamir neighborhood of Ramat Beit Shemesh and is very excited to join the Midreshet Lev staff!

Mrs. Adina Averick

Adina Averick lives in Neve Shamir, Ramat Beit Shemesh, with her husband and son and currently works as a DevOps Engineer. Originally from Stamford, CT, Adina spent two years following high school in Israel, first at Nishmat and then in Sherut Leumi teaching in schools around the country about the Beit HaMikdash. She has a degree in Judaic Studies and computer science from Stern College and made aliyah upon graduation. Adina spent a year learning in Matan’s Eshkolot program as well as Mizrachi’s Lapidot program. She also taught night seder in MTVA for two years, running the night seder program in her second year. Adina is so excited to be joining the Midreshet Lev staff!

Rav Michael Cytrin

Rav Cytrin brings decades of experience to Midreshet Lev as a Rebbe and senior administrator at Lev HaTorah. In addition to Semicha, he is a licensed tour guide who delights in sharing his enthusiasm for Eretz Yisrael. Before making Aliyah, Rav Cytrin was Principal of Judaic Studies at Yavneh Academy in Dallas, Texas. Rav Cytrin has founded Or L’Doron, a non-profit organization promoting Torah leadership within the Ethiopian community in Israel.

Rav Cytrin received his Semicha from the Meretz Kollel, a BA from the Plan II Liberal Arts Program at the University of Texas (Austin), has an MA in Education from Columbia University and has served in the IDF.


Mrs. Yael Gelernter

Mrs. G, as she is more commonly known, hails originally from Kew Gardens Hills, NY. She brings her characteristic passion and simchas hachayim to the classroom while teaching her favorite subject, Tanach. Yael has taught SKA and was recruited to Toronto to serve on the administration of the high school, Ulpanat Orot where she was co-principal for 4 years. Mrs. G also has worked in various capacities at NCSY, NCSY Summer and the Maimonides Jewish Heritage Experience.

Mrs. G graduated with honors at Stern College while earning a degree in Psychology. She completed her Masters in Education from Azrieli and her Certification in Administration from Bar Ilan University.


Dr. Tamar Halpern

Tamar is originally from Teaneck, NJ and attended Ma’ayanot for High School and Migdal Oz for seminary. Most recently, Tamar taught 12th grade AP Psychology at Kosloff Torah Academy (KTA) HS for Girls outside of Philadelphia. Tamar made aliyah with her husband and 4 boys this past summer to Ramat Beit Shemesh. She loves helping her students understand how psychological principles impact their everyday lives, relationships, and society at large— and especially how psychology impacts their personal and spiritual growth and Avodat Hashem. She has significant clinical experience working with older adolescent/college age students.

Tamar earned her M.A. and Psy.D. degrees from the Institute of Graduate Clinical Psychology at Widener University in 2016 and 2018, respectively, following her B.A. in Psychology from Barnard College and successful completion of the GPATS program at Stern College, Yeshiva University.


Mrs. Bonnie Odze

Mrs. Bonnie Odze has recently moved to Ramat Beit Shemesh from London where she served as Rebbetzin at South Hampstead United Synagogue and teacher in Hasmonean High School. Mrs. Odze currently teaches in several seminaries and is a passionate teacher who is dedicated to the personal growth of her students in every dimension. For the past 20 years, Mrs Odze had taught at various high schools in London including Immanuel college and Menorah High School. For many years she led and developed the Hasmonean Midrasha into a leading Torah learning centre in the British high school system.

Mrs. Odze holds a degree in Math and Computer Science and a Post Graduate Certificate of Education.


Rav Jonathan Schachter

Rav Jonathan Schachter is known for his tremendous energy, in depth learning and his ability to forge strong, individual bonds with each of his students. Rav Schachter looks to infuse his talmidim with a love of Yahadut. Currently, Rav Schachter teaches gemara, halacha and machshava in Yeshivat Hesder Lev HaTorah. Before making Aliyah in 2022, he was a beloved Rabbi in Yeshivat Frisch for 20 years, and led the Bnai Yeshurun teen minyan in Teaneck for over 15 years. He has worked in Camp Morasha for the past 15 years and is currently the boys head counselor.

Rav Schachter received his Semicha from RIETS, a BA in Economics from Yeshiva University and an MS in Jewish Education from Azrieli Graduate School.


Mrs. Dina Schoonmaker

Dina Schoonmaker has been teaching in Michlalah Jerusalem College for over 30 years. She founded The Women’s Mussar Vaad, teaching topics of personal development in Ramat Bet Shemesh, Yerushalayim and remotely over zoom. She lectures in Israel, Europe and the United States.


Rav Michael Siev

Rav Michael Siev has served as a Ram in Yeshivat Lev HaTorah for the past eighteen years, where he teaches Gemara and Halacha. He also functions as Lev HaTorah’s posek and runs an active Halacha group chat for alumni of the yeshiva. Additionally, Rabbi Siev delivers a weekly shiur in halachic topics to the Ramat Shilo community in Ramat Beit Shemesh. He has also served as a senior editor of a wide range of Torah publications, including the Koren Steinsaltz Talmud series and the Sefaria Midrash Rabbah project.

Rav Siev received semicha from Yeshiva University, has an MS from Azrieli Graduate School and is an alumnus of the Yeshivat Har Etzion Kollel, where he studied for four years after completing his semicha.


Mrs. Esther Wachstock

Esther Wachstock is a dedicated teacher who has been in Jewish education for 17 years. Her particular passion is for teaching the books of Tanach that don’t get enough attention, specifically Ketuvim and Neviim Achronim, as well as showing how all of Tanach comes together. She currently teaches at both MMY and Tiferet. She is a founding member of the Ganei HaEleh community of Ramat Beit Shemesh with her husband and four children, having made aliyah 6 years ago from Teaneck, NJ. Before that she taught in Frisch, Yeshivat Heatid, SKA and Bruriah.

Esther studied at Michlalah Jerusalem College for Women, has a BA in History from Baruch College and an MA from The Azrieli School of Jewish Education.


Mrs. Devori Weichholz

Devori, for the past two decades, has taught and inspired students of all ages, through her warmth, sincerity and dedication to each student. Devori’s genuine care and understanding create a supportive and encouraging atmosphere where students thrive academically and personally.

Devori studied in Michlalah where she received a teachers certificate and has a B.A. in Judaic Studies/Psychology from Yeshiva University as well as an MS in Jewish Education from Azrieli Graduate School.


Mrs. Alyssa Kirsch

Alyssa fulfilled a lifelong dream when she and her family made Aliyah from Teaneck, NJ to Neve Shamir in the summer of 2022. After high school, Alyssa studied for a year in MMY, then graduated from Stern College Honors with a BA in Jewish Education and Elementary Education, where she was also a member of the Legacy Heritage Teachers Program. Alyssa earned her Masters from the Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration while teaching in Westchester Day School. She was then fortunate to participate in YU’s Gruss Kollel in Yerushalayim and pursue her love of learning Tanach at Matan’s Bellows Eshkolot Program, where she experienced Torat Eretz Yisrael come to life. While in Gruss, she also taught in Shaalvim for Women. Most recently, she was part of the Tanach faculty at Yeshivat Frisch. Since making Aliyah, Alyssa has been involved in building up Neve Shamir’s women’s Torah learning community, while also teaching in Tiferet. Aside from learning Torah, she’s always up for playing basketball or having a baseball catch! Alyssa looks forward to sharing her passion for Torah at Midreshet Lev!


Mrs. Shira Schechter

Shira Schechter has a BA in Judaic Studies from Stern College, Master’s degrees in both Jewish Education and Bible from Yeshiva University, and is a graduate of Yeshiva University’s Graduate Program for Women in Advanced Talmudic Studies (GPATS). She taught Tanach in high school for eight years before making aliyah with her husband and children in 2013. Since making aliyah, Shira has been writing and editing Torah articles in her role as a content editor, as well as giving and organizing community shiurim. Shira lives in the Neve Shamir neighborhood of Ramat Beit Shemesh and is very excited to join the Midreshet Lev staff!


Mrs. Adina Averick

Adina Averick lives in Neve Shamir, Ramat Beit Shemesh, with her husband and son and currently works as a DevOps Engineer. Originally from Stamford, CT, Adina spent two years following high school in Israel, first at Nishmat and then in Sherut Leumi teaching in schools around the country about the Beit HaMikdash. She has a degree in Judaic Studies and computer science from Stern College and made aliyah upon graduation. Adina spent a year learning in Matan’s Eshkolot program as well as Mizrachi’s Lapidot program. She also taught night seder in MTVA for two years, running the night seder program in her second year. Adina is so excited to be joining the Midreshet Lev staff!


Who we are


  • London

    Dec 4

  • Manchester

    Dec 5


  • Montreal

    Dec 19

  • Toronto

    Dec 20


  • LA
    Dec 18
  • Boston
    Dec 18
  • Chicago
    Dec 19
  • Baltimore
    Dec 20
  • South Florida
    Dec 21
  • Long Island
    Dec 22
  • Cleveland
    Dec 25
  • Shulamith
  • Frisch, Central
    Jan 2
  • Kohelet, KTA, SAR
    Jan 3
  • Bruriah
    Jan 4
  • Atlanta
    Jan 8
  • Melvin J Berman HA
    Jan 9


  • New Jersey
    Jan 2
  • Long Island
    Jan 3
  • SAR, Ramaz
    Jan 4

Neve Shamir
Beit Midrash L’Nashim

We are excited to be partnering with this Torah learning center, where women from the local community serve as role models and inspiration for our students.

Coming soon

B’not Sherut Bodedot

A post Shana Aleph program catering to our lone-National Service volunteers who will receive the support of our staff while benefiting from the Midrasha’s learning program.

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    Ramat Bet Shemesh

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    166 Edgemont Place
    Teaneck, NJ

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